Jul 3, 2013

Origin of Life - Salty soup gave rise to clustered molecules

Most scientists think that a cell wall is a prerequisite for the formation of complex biomolecules like nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) and proteins. Now researchers from the Netherlands discovered that these large biomolecules are able to cluster together spontaneously when the salt concentration is increased. This means that the predecessors of living cells could work without the need to be packed into a cell wall.

Increased salt concentration was a common phenomenon on our primordial Earth. Just think of small salty seas, lakes or even puddles getting detached from the ocean and being exposed to sunlight causing the rapid evaporation of water and the increase of saltiness. These pools may have given birth to the primal forms of life which were later taken back to the oceans by tides and floods to populate the whole hydrosphere on planet Earth.

I am a bit sorry for our creationist friends for missing to see the immense beauty of this whole miraculous process.

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